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English » Portuguese Translations for "mare's-nest"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} mare's-nest (M) logro 'mærznest
{N} mare's-nest (M) boato sem fundamento 'mærznest
{N} mare's-nest (M) engano 'mærznest

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "mare's-nest"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} crow's nest (M) ninho de corvo 'krəʋz,nest
{N} mare égua meər, mær
{N} nest (M) ninho nest
{N} nest (F) ninhada nest
{N} nest (M) abrigo nest
{N} nest (M) retiro nest
{N} nest (F) habitação nest
{N} nest enxame nest
{N} nest (M) lugar confortável nest
{N} nest covil nest
{V} nest aninhar-se nest
{V} nest ninho: fazer o ninho nest
{N} nest-egg (M) dinheiro economizado 'nesteg
{N} nest-egg pé-de-meia 'nesteg
{N} nest-egg (M) pecúlio 'nesteg

Portuguese » English Indirect translations for "mare's-nest"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{A} dependente de maré tidal
{N} (M) fluxo da maré inset
{N} maré tide
{N} maré water
{N} maré alta high tide
{N} maré ascendente inset
{N} maré-baixa ebb tide
{N} maré-baixa low tide
{N} maré cheia flood tide
{N} maré grande spring tide
{N} maré morta neap
{N} maré vazante reflux
{A} relativo a maré tidal
{V} remar a favor da maré swim with the tide
{V} remar contra a maré fight against the current
{V} remar contra a maré swim against the tide