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English » Portuguese Translations for "ball"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} ball (F) bola bɔ:l
{N} ball (M) baile bɔ:l
{N} ball (M) balão bɔ:l
{N} ball (F) esfera bɔ:l
{N} ball (M) novelo bɔ:l
{N} ball (M) projéctil [PT] bɔ:l
{N} ball (M) projétil bɔ:l
{V} ball aglomerar bɔ:l
{V} ball embaralhar bɔ:l
{V} ball novelo: pôr em novelos bɔ:l

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "ball"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} ball bearing rolamento de esfera bɔ:l'beərıŋ
{N} ball cartridge cartucho carregado ,bɔ:l'kɑ:rtrıdʒ
{N} ball of the eye (M) globo ocular
{N} ball things up estragar tudo
{N} beach ball (F) bola de praia 'bi:tʃ,bɔ:l
{N} billiard ball (F) bola de bilhar 'bıljərd,bɔ:l
{N} blow ball dente-de-leão 'bləʋ,bɔ:l
{N} camphor ball (F) naftalina
{N} cannon-ball (F) bola de canhão 'kænən,bɔ:l
{N} cannon-ball (F) bala de canhão 'kænən,bɔ:l
{N} costume ball (M) baile à fantasia
{N} fancy-ball (M) baile à fantasia 'fænsıbɔ:l
{N} fancy dress ball (M) baile de máscaras
{N} fancy dress ball embuste
{N} masked ball (M) baile de máscaras
{N} meat-ball (F) almôndega 'mi:t,bɔ:l
{N} moth ball bolinha de naftalina 'mɒɵbɔ:l
{N} puff-ball bufa-de-lobo 'pʌfbɔ:l
{N} screw-ball (M) indivíduo excêntrico 'skru:bɒl
{N} screw-ball (F) pessoa excêntrica 'skru:bɒl
{N} soccer ball futebol 'sɒkər,bɔ:l
{N} tennis-ball (F) bola de tênis 'tenıs,bɔ:l