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English » Portuguese Translations for "basket"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} basket cesta 'bæskıt
{N} basket (M) cesto 'bæskıt
{N} basket corbelha 'bæskıt
{N} basket canasta 'bæskıt
{V} basket encestar 'bæskıt

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "basket"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} basket for computer forms (M) cesto para formulários contínuos
{N} basket of fruit cesta de frutas
{N} bread basket cesta de pão 'bred,bæskıt
{N} chip basket (M) balaio de ripas
{N} clothes-basket (M) saco de roupa suja 'kləʋz,bæskıt
{ID} put all the eggs in one basket arriscar tudo
{N} litter basket cesta de lixo
{N} litter basket (M) coletor de papéis
{N} waste-basket (M) cesto dos papéis 'weıst,bæskıt
{N} wastepaper basket (M) cesto de papéis
{N} wastepaper basket cesta de lixo
{N} wicker basket cesta de vime
{N} work-basket (M) cesto de costura 'wɜ:rk,bæskıt