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English » Portuguese Translations for "camel-bird"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} camel-bird (M) avestruz 'kæməlbɜ:rd

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "camel-bird"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} Arabian bird (F) fênix
{N} Arabian bird (F) ave de Areia
{N} bird (F) ave bɜ:rd
{N} bird (M) pássaro bɜ:rd
{N} bird (F) caça bɜ:rd
{N} bird sujeito esquisito bɜ:rd
{N} bird (M) fulano bɜ:rd
{N} bird (M) tipo bɜ:rd
{ID} the early bird catches the worm deus ajuda quem cedo madruga
{N} wading bird (F) ave pernalta 'weıdıŋ bɜ:rd
{N} bird cage (F) gaiola 'bɜ:rd,keıdʒ
{N} bird call (M) pio 'bɜ:rdkɔ:l
{N} bird dog (M) perdigueiro
{N} bird of paradise (F) ave do paraíso
{N} bird of passage (F) ave migratória
{N} bird of prey (F) ave de rapina
{N} bird's eye view (F) vista aérea ,bɜ:rdzaı'vju:
{N} bird watcher (M) ornitófilo 'bɜ:rd,wɒtʃər
{N} camel (M) camelo 'kæməl
{N} camel (M) dromedário 'kæməl
{N} camel-back corcova 'kæməlbæk
{N} camel-hair (M) tecido dessa lã 'kæməl,heər
{N} camel's-hair lã de camelo 'kæməlz,heər
{N} camel-yarn (F) história de camelo 'kæməl,jɑ:rn
{N} canary bird (M) canário kə'neərı,bɜ:rd