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English » Portuguese Translations for "closing-date"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} closing-date (M) fim de prazo 'kləʋzıŋ,deıt

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "closing-date"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{A} after-date depois da data
{N} arrival date data de chegada
{A} closing final 'kləʋzıŋ
{A} closing decisivo 'kləʋzıŋ
{A} closing convincente 'kləʋzıŋ
{N} closing (M) encerramento 'kləʋzıŋ
{N} closing (M) fim 'kləʋzıŋ
{N} closing-time (M) fim do expediente 'kləʋzıŋ,taım
{N} current date data corrente
{N} date data deıt
{N} date (F) era deıt
{N} date época deıt
{N} date (M) período deıt
{N} date (F) tâmara deıt
{V} date datar deıt
{V} date estipular deıt
{N} date of birth data de nascimento
{N} date of payment data de pagamento
{N} date-palm (F) tamareira 'deıtpɑ:m
{N} departure date data de partida
{V} fix a date determinar uma data para
{V} fix a date marcar uma data para
{N} official date data oficial
{A} out-of-date antiquado ,aʋtəv'deıt
{A} out-of-date fora de moda ,aʋtəv'deıt