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English » Portuguese Translations for "cloud-burst"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} cloud-burst (F) desagregação 'klaʋdbɜ:rst
{N} cloud-burst (F) queda 'klaʋdbɜ:rst
{N} cloud-burst ruína 'klaʋdbɜ:rst
{N} cloud-burst carga 'klaʋdbɜ:rst

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "cloud-burst"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} burst (M) estouro bɜ:rst
{N} burst (F) explosão bɜ:rst
{N} burst (F) erupção bɜ:rst
{N} burst (F) ruptura bɜ:rst
{N} burst brecha bɜ:rst
{V} burst estourar bɜ:rst
{V} burst explodir bɜ:rst
{V} burst rebentar bɜ:rst
{V} burst irromper bɜ:rst
{V} burst fazer saltar bɜ:rst
{V} burst into laughter rir
{V} burst into tears chorar
{V} burst with anger aborrecer
{V} burst with pride orgulhar
{N} cloud (M) nuvem klaʋd
{N} cloud bruma klaʋd
{N} cloud névoa klaʋd
{N} cloud mancha klaʋd
{N} cloud sombra klaʋd
{N} cloud (F) desgraça klaʋd
{N} cloud multidão klaʋd
{V} cloud nublar klaʋd
{V} cloud anuviar klaʋd
{V} cloud obscurecer klaʋd
{V} cloud turvar klaʋd