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English » Portuguese Translations for "cope-stone"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} cope-stone retoque: o último retoque 'kəʋp,stəʋn

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "cope-stone"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} apex stone (F) pedra de vértice
{N} axe-stone nefrite 'æks,stəʋn
{N} ax-stone nefrite 'æks,stəʋn
{N} beating stone (M) batedouro
{N} building stone (F) pedra de construção
{N} canary stone (F) pedra amarela kə'neərı,stəʋn
{N} chalk-stone gota [med.] 'tʃɔ:k,stəʋn
{N} cherry stone (F) semente de cereja 'tʃerı,stəʋn
{N} cope veste sacerdotal kəʋp
{N} cope (F) abóbada kəʋp
{N} cope cúpula kəʋp
{V} cope competir kəʋp
{V} cope cobrir kəʋp
{V} cope abobadar kəʋp
{N} cope of heaven (F) concavidade
{N} cope of heaven (M) côncavo
{N} cope of heaven (M) firmamento
{V} cope with lidar com
{V} cope with superar
{N} coping-stone (F) pedra de cobertura 'kəʋpıŋstəʋn
{N} crushed stone (F) pedra britada
{N} door-stone (F) pedra de porta 'dɔ:r,stəʋn
{N} jack-stone calhau 'dʒæk,stəʋn
{N} jack-stone (M) seixo 'dʒæk,stəʋn
{N} jack-stone (F) pedra de pequeno tamanho 'dʒæk,stəʋn