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English » Portuguese Translations for "dinner-bell"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} dinner-bell sino para jantar 'dınər,bel

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "dinner-bell"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} bar-bell haltere 'bɑ:r,bel
{N} bell (F) campainha bel
{N} bell campânula bel
{N} bell (M) sino bel
{N} bell (M) cálice bel
{N} bell corola bel
{V} bell bramar bel
{V} bell bramir bel
{V} bell colocar sinos em bel
{N} bell button (M) botão de campainha
{N} bell casting (F) fundição de sinos
{N} bell clapper (M) badalo 'bel,klæpər
{N} bell jar campânula
{N} bell jar redoma
{N} bell mouth megafone
{A} bell-mouthed afunilado 'bel,maʋɵt
{N} blue bell (F) campainha 'blu:,bel
{N} business dinner (M) jantar de negócio
{N} dinner (M) jantar 'dınər
{N} dinner banquete 'dınər
{ADV} at dinner jantar: no jantar
{V} have dinner jantar
{V} have dinner with smb. jantar com alguém
{N} dinner dance (M) jantar dançante
{N} dinner-jacket (M) smoking 'dınər,dʒækıt