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English » Portuguese Translations for "fleet-footed"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{A} fleet-footed leve 'fli:tfʋtıd
{A} fleet-footed rápido 'fli:tfʋtıd
{A} fleet-footed saltitante 'fli:tfʋtıd

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "fleet-footed"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} admiral of the fleet (M) almirante-de-esquadra
{N} bus fleet frota de ônibus
{N} car fleet frota de veículos
{A} fleet rápido fli:t
{A} fleet ligeiro fli:t
{A} fleet passageiro fli:t
{A} fleet animado fli:t
{N} fleet frota fli:t
{N} fleet esquadra fli:t
{N} fleet (M) comboio fli:t
{N} fleet (M) córrego fli:t
{N} fleet (M) riacho fli:t
{V} fleet correr fli:t
{V} fleet fugir fli:t
{V} fleet voar fli:t
{A} four-footed quadrúpede 'fɔ:r,fʋtıd
{A} light-footed ágil ,laıt'fʋtıd
{A} light-footed ligeiro ,laıt'fʋtıd
{N} merchant fleet frota mercante
{A} two-footed bípede ,tu:'fʋtıd
{A} wing-footed pé: de pés alados 'wıŋ,fʋtıd