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English » Portuguese Translations for "goose"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} goose (M) ganso gu:s
{N} goose fêmea de ganso gu:s
{N} goose (M) simplório [sl.] gu:s
{N} goose (MF) pateta [sl.] gu:s

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "goose"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{A} goose-pimply arrepiado
{N} goose-skin (M) arrepio 'gu:s,skın
{N} goose-step passo de ganso 'gu:s,step
{V} kill the goose that lays golden eggs matar a galinha dos ovos de ouro
{N} wild-goose chase perseguir o incerto