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English » Portuguese Translations for "half-light"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{A} half-light silencioso 'hæflaıt
{A} half-light calmo 'hæflaıt
{A} half-light tranquilo 'hæflaıt
{A} half-light calado 'hæflaıt
{A} half-light ruído: sem ruído 'hæflaıt
{A} half-light sereno 'hæflaıt
{A} half-light sossegado 'hæflaıt
{A} half-light imóvel 'hæflaıt

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "half-light"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} after-light (F) Epifania 'æftərlaıt
{N} back light iluminação por detrás
{N} better half cara-metade
{N} borrowed light (F) clarabóia
{N} brake light (F) luz do freio
{N} branch light (M) castiçal
{N} candle-light (F) luz da vela 'kændəl,laıt
{N} candle-light (M) anoitecer 'kændəl,laıt
{V} come to light aparecer
{V} come to light surgir
{N} dead-light (F) luz mortal 'ded,laıt
{N} deck-light (F) vigia do convés 'deklaıt
{N} diffused light (F) luz difusa
{A} half meio hæf
{A} half bastante hæf
{A} half quase hæf
{A} half incompleto hæf
{A} half parcial hæf
{ADV} half metade: em metade hæf
{ADV} half meio hæf
{ADV} half parcialmente hæf
{N} half metade hæf
{N} half (M) meio hæf
{N} half (M) semestre hæf
{ADV} half a day metade do dia