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English » Portuguese Translations for "monkey-bread"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} monkey-bread baobá 'mʌŋkıbred
{N} monkey-bread (M) pão-de-embondeiro 'mʌŋkıbred

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "monkey-bread"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} bread (M) pão bred
{N} bread (M) alimento bred
{N} bread (M) cargo bred
{N} bread and butter (M) pão com manteiga ,bredən'bʌtər
{A} bread and butter trivial ,bredən'bʌtər
{N} bread basket cesta de pão 'bred,bæskıt
{N} bread crumb (M) miolo 'bredkrʌm
{N} bread crust casca
{N} bread crust crosta
{N} brown bread (M) pão integral
{N} brown bread (M) pão de centeio
{N} coarse bread (M) pão integral
{N} corn bread broa de milho
{N} loaf of bread (M) pão
{N} monkey (M) macaco 'mʌŋkı
{N} monkey (M) mono 'mʌŋkı
{N} monkey (M) símio 'mʌŋkı
{N} monkey (M) bugio 'mʌŋkı
{N} monkey bate-estacas 'mʌŋkı
{N} monkey (FPL) traquinas 'mʌŋkı
{V} monkey macaquear 'mʌŋkı
{V} monkey intrometer-se 'mʌŋkı
{V} monkey arremedar 'mʌŋkı
{V} monkey bulir 'mʌŋkı
{N} monkey business (F) intriga