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English » Portuguese Translations for "obstacle"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} obstacle (M) obstáculo 'ɒbstəkəl
{N} obstacle (M) entrave 'ɒbstəkəl
{N} obstacle (F) obstrução 'ɒbstəkəl
{N} obstacle (F) contrariedade 'ɒbstəkəl
{N} obstacle (F) dificuldade 'ɒbstəkəl
{N} obstacle (M) embaraço 'ɒbstəkəl
{N} obstacle (M) estorvo 'ɒbstəkəl
{N} obstacle (M) impedimento 'ɒbstəkəl
{N} obstacle quê 'ɒbstəkəl

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "obstacle"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} obstacle-race (F) corrida de obstáculos 'ɒbstəkəlreıs
{N} obstacle to negotiation obstáculo à negociação
{N} obstacle to peace (M) impedimento a paz
{N} obstacle to progress empecilho ao progresso