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English » Portuguese Translations for "tumble"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} tumble (F) cambalhota 'tʌmbəl
{N} tumble (F) confusão 'tʌmbəl
{N} tumble (M) desarranjo 'tʌmbəl
{N} tumble (M) desordem 'tʌmbəl
{N} tumble (F) queda 'tʌmbəl
{N} tumble salto da acrobata 'tʌmbəl
{N} tumble (M) trambolhão 'tʌmbəl
{V} tumble cair violentamente 'tʌmbəl
{V} tumble correr 'tʌmbəl
{V} tumble trambolhão: dar um trambolhão 'tʌmbəl
{V} tumble derrubar 'tʌmbəl
{V} tumble levar aos tombos 'tʌmbəl
{V} tumble sair 'tʌmbəl
{V} tumble tombar 'tʌmbəl

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "tumble"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{A} rough and tumble confuso ,rʌfən'tʌmbəl
{A} rough and tumble desordenado ,rʌfən'tʌmbəl
{A} rough and tumble embaralhado ,rʌfən'tʌmbəl
{N} rough-and-tumble (F) confusão ,rʌfən'tʌmbəl
{N} rough-and-tumble (M) desordem ,rʌfən'tʌmbəl
{N} rumble-tumble baldão ,rʌmbəl'tʌmbəl
{N} rumble-tumble (M) movimento brusco ,rʌmbəl'tʌmbəl
{N} rumble-tumble sacudidela ,rʌmbəl'tʌmbəl
{N} rumble-tumble (M) sobressalto ,rʌmbəl'tʌmbəl
{N} rumble-tumble (M) solavanco ,rʌmbəl'tʌmbəl
{N} rumble-tumble (F) surpresa ,rʌmbəl'tʌmbəl
{V} tumble down abater