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English » Portuguese Translations for "wall"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} wall parede wɔ:l
{N} wall paredão wɔ:l
{N} wall (M) muro wɔ:l
{N} wall muralha wɔ:l
{N} wall (M) lado wɔ:l
{V} wall murar wɔ:l
{V} wall fortificar wɔ:l

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "wall"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} brick wall parede de tijolos
{N} cob wall parede de barro
{N} cob wall pau-a-pique
{N} dead wall parede nua
{N} Great Wall of China grande muralha da China
{N} party wall parede divisória 'pɑ:rtıwɔ:l
{N} party wall parede interior 'pɑ:rtıwɔ:l
{N} stone wall muro de pedras 'stəʋn,wɔ:l
{N} decorated wall tile (M) azulejo decorado para revestimento
{ADV} on the wall parede: na parede
{N} wall calendar (M) calendário de parede
{N} wall clock (M) relógio de parede
{N} wall covering revestimento de parede
{N} wall-eye (M) olho gázeo 'wɔ:laı
{N} wall-eye estrabismo divergente 'wɔ:laı
{A} wall-eyed olho: com olho gázeo ,wɔ:l'aıd
{N} wall fan (M) ventilador de parede
{N} wall-painting (F) pintura mural 'wɔ:l,peıntıŋ
{N} wall panel painel de parede
{N} wall socket (F) tomada
{NPR} Wall Street Wall Street
{N} wall to wall parede a parede

Portuguese » English Indirect translations for "wall"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{NPR} Wall Street Wall Street