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English » Portuguese Translations for "dinner-time"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} dinner-time (F) hora de jantar 'dınər,taım

English » Portuguese Indirect translations for "dinner-time"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{ADV} ahead of time tempo: antes do tempo
{N} all time (M) tempo integral
{A} all-time todos os tempos ,ɔ:l'taım
{A} all-time constante ,ɔ:l'taım
{ADV} another time ocasião: em outra ocasião
{ADV} another time vez: outra vez
{N} anxious time época inquietante
{N} apparent time (M) tempo solar ou verdadeiro
{ADV} at the appointed time determinado: na hora determinada
{N} appropriate time (M) tempo conveniente
{N} arrival time (F) hora de chegada
{N} astronomical time (M) tempo astronômico
{N} available time (M) tempo disponível
{N} bed time (F) hora de deitar 'bed,taım
{N} business dinner (M) jantar de negócio
{N} closing-time (M) fim do expediente 'kləʋzıŋ,taım
{N} departure time (F) hora de partida
{N} dinner (M) jantar 'dınər
{N} dinner banquete 'dınər
{ADV} at dinner jantar: no jantar
{V} have dinner jantar
{V} have dinner with smb. jantar com alguém
{N} dinner-bell sino para jantar 'dınər,bel
{N} dinner dance (M) jantar dançante
{N} dinner-jacket (M) smoking 'dınər,dʒækıt

Portuguese » English Indirect translations for "dinner-time"
Func. Word Definition Pron.
{N} (M) membro do time team player
{N} time team
{N} time de futebol soccer team
{N} time de rugby fifteen